It can be all too easy to take the natural world around us – or its vestiges – for granted.
Sannu*, friend. 👋 How can we harness the benefits of the power of listening? Can human activity cause earthquakes? What
Ciao amico*. 👋 Why is the loss of glaciers due to increasing temperatures so significant, and can recordings of this
What does ice sound like? For those of us whose experience of the substance is limited to the occasional wintry
¿Qué onda*, friend? 👋 Can Deep Time Walks affect our conception of the planet we call home? When did humanity
We’ve talked before about eco revelations and how they can change the way we view our place in the world,
Halló*, friend. 🙋♂️ What does the inside of an Icelandic cave sound like? Is it possible to help increase endangered
Mélia Roger is a French field recordist working on the sidelines of the sound arts and cinema industry. She creates
Siema*, friend. ✌️ The winners of the first round of Grants have been announced! All four successful applicants –
Dear friends,The talented winners of the first round of Grants have kindly answered a few questions in order to
Halò*, friend. 👋 How can a nature sound recordist approach invasive human-generated sounds – and should they? How does the
Often over- and misused, ‘noise’ has a specific meaning in the context of acoustic ecology and field recording. It is
Cześć*, friend. 🙋♂️ What does a dawn chorus sound like during a thunderstorm – at more than 3,000 feet above
Dear friends, We are delighted to announce that the winners of the first round of Grants will be announced
¿Quiubo*, friend? 👋 How can we reconnect with the natural world? What good news can be gleaned from data about
I saw nature directly. It was pure and radiant, what I imagined heaven to be. I saw the mountains and
Aiy-ye-kwee’*, friend, and welcome to the 20th edition of the newsletter! 👋 What books could you read to fully
Bok*, friend. 👋 How can we connect to a simpler way of living? What sad fact unites Leadbeater’s possum and
Science is always trying to explain the longevity of certain groups of people, from around the world, who frequently live
Ayubowan*, friend. 🙋♂️ Where is the ‘lion kingdom’? What key books discuss soundscape ecology? How can Buddhist philosophy set out
Following our article ‘Soundscape Ecology on Film’, brings you the following run down of key texts providing a variety
Salûi, amigu*. 🙋♂️ Is it possible to walk mindfully? Can Brazilian President Lula mitigate the crimes perpetrated by Bolsonaro against
Often when I’m walking I see myself trying to get somewhere as fast as possible, without questioning the need to
Hello, friend. 👋 Are the calls of the King of Saxony bird-of-paradise suitably regal? Is it possible to put a