Tropical Island Storm
This recording captures the intense yet somehow relaxing atmosphere atop Gunung Mat Chinchang on the island of Lankawi as a tropical storm approaches. After an afternoon of tranquil ambiance filled with the sounds of insects and frogs, the night transformed dramatically. After many prolonged periods of intense rain, I have finally found a day with sunshine and decided to make the trip to the mountain. Although the day and evening were very calm, I was still careful to set up camp in a sheltered area below the peak, as storms can happen suddenly. That turned out to be the right decision, as during the night, just when I finally laid down in my cosy hammock after a full day of intense activity, I heard the distant rumble of thunder. The flashes of lightning illuminated the sky and the ancient cliffs. Standing at 708 meters, Gunung Mat Chinchang is part of the Machinchang Formation, with rocks dating back 500 million years—some of the oldest sedimentary formations in Southeast Asia. As I listened to the powerful sounds of thunder, I felt both anxious and exhilarated.