Red Deer and Special Guests
Recorded in the Owl Mountains, Poland – on the western border with Czechia; 2 or 3 Red Deer, some near, some far in the midst of the Rutting Season, their calls echoing off the surrounding hills.
Also in the recording, perhaps more subtly then our subject, is the sound of some small mammals hiding amongst the grass and leaf litter – nice to capture such a juxtaposition of small and large mammals at the same time. Iin the distance at one point a Tawny Owl announces its territory.
Very close to this location is a place where the deer seemed to have made great effort to mark its scent, as was a strong earthly smell floating in the air. (One tell tale sign that a male deer is nearby).
Recorded with omni-directional microphoneshal hidden as a drop rig in the undergrowth, waiting for the passing deer.