Rain and Dawn in Axen Woods
The weather forecast didn’t predict rain overnight during this recording session, however, in the early hours of the morning light rain arrived. Luckily my recording equipment was set up under a large Oak tree so was mostly sheltered from the rain.
The night was surprisingly quiet. There has been lots of rain this winter so the stream which runs through the woods is surprisingly loud. The woodland is a mix of Oak, Beach and pines on the other side of the wood. There was minimal noise during the night except the odd Owl.
As the morning light started to arrive, the crows were the first to awake. They were shortly followed by song birds. In this recording I managed to identify the sound of Crows, Robins, Blackbirds, Pheasants, Great Tits, Song Thrush, Eurasian Treecreeper, Tawny Owl, Chaffinch, Wrens and a Coal Tit. Typical song birds for this part of the UK in the winter.