Morning Chorus at Kirandich Dam
This short morning chorus breaks the often-quiet and mildly windy mornings at Kirandich dam.
One can hear the constant calls of the Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird rising above the rustle of the papyrus and reeds in the dam. The Tinkerbird’s call is joined by the loud yells of a pair of Hadada Ibis and Robin chats. At some point in the recording, one can the call of the Red-eyed Dove, immediately followed by a loud scream. This is not a human’s scream, it is the call of one of the most beautiful birds only found in Africa, the White-crested Turaco! It’s one of the Turaco species found in the lush woodlands and riverine forest adjacent to the dam. The call is a rising “whuup” followed by an accelerating series of gruff “krow” notes, and one of the most unique calls I’ve ever heard and recorded!