Low Tide On The Rugged Coast Of Redwood National Park
Recorded at sunset in the intertidal zone at low tide during a new moon.
It was a rare sunny afternoon on this rugged stretch of coastline, with strong wind blowing from the north and huge waves crashing far out which created a continuous low roar. Heavy haze hung in the air, kicked up by the wind and crashing surf. The rocky, boulder strewn shore was fully exposed by the low tide, with barnacles, mussels, sea anemones, and a myriad of other kinds of sea life awaiting the incoming tide. Small flocks of shorebirds called Black Turnstones foraged for food on the exposed rocks, quickly moving out of the way as waves crashed against the rocks.
I set up the microphone on a small patch of pebbles amongst the boulders at the base of a massive tree topped rock which towered above the shore. It was near the water’s edge, but far enough away that it didn’t risk being splashed by waves that crashed against the rocks.