Hearth of Borneo: Dawn
Dawn chorus deep within the interior of Sarawak captures the sounds of Borneo’s remaining intact forests during the monsoon season. While much of the surrounding area has been extensively logged with most large trees removed, this recording comes from a sheltered hilly valley where some of the original forests still stand. We are standing on the top of an exposed hilly area overlooking the distant, wild landscape, the Heart of Borneo. These isolated areas serve as vital refuges where wildlife still thrives despite widespread habitat loss.
The soundscape was documented during a field expedition to this remote location, accessible only by traveling for hours on rough logging roads followed by hiking jungle trails. Even with the slightest dawn light, the forest awakens with a complex ambience – from varied bird calls to the subtle background of insects. This recording offers a window into the natural rhythms of Borneo’s pristine rainforest, an acoustic environment that grows increasingly rare across the island.