Early Spring Morning at Griffiths Point, Narawntapu National Park
Narawntapu National Park is the first National Park in Tasmania whose name has reverted to the indigenous place name for the local region, the language of the Tommeginne people (Unfortunately, I could not locate an indigenous name for ‘Griffiths Point’, which is within Narawntapu.)
The natural rocky point juts out into the sea at high tide and divides a wide estuary (to the west, left in this recording) and a long, broad sandy beach (to the east, right in this recording). Listening closely, from out on the point, the sound of the waves is, naturally, distinctly different on either side. The rocky point is a favourite feeding and roosting place for Sooty Oystercatchers. Through the sound of the waves, their calls can occasionally be heard.
Listening with good quality headphones is recommended, as this is a binaural recording.
Recorded on the land and water of the Tommeginne (and possibly also the Tyerrernotepanner) people on 27th September 2023.