Dawn chorus of Spring in a Swedish Forest
The snow was still melting and it was deep in spots where the sunlight barely touched the ground.
Beautiful lakes – large and small – make the acoustics like a mirror and call a variety of wildlife that we can listen to sometimes at the distance, other times much closer.
In this long segment of the dawn chorus we can hear the tawny owl, the eurasian woodcock, the great spotted woodpecker, the tree-creeper, the european robin, the redwing, the eurasian wren, the whooper swan, the greylag goose and the great tit, between many others. Some calls I cannot recognise and I wonder if there is a red fox screaming at some point.
I believe there was also the golden-eye and common loon.
I’ve seen big big footprints (a wolf?) next to the whole skeleton of a young female elk. I’ve seen so many animal fresh tracks in the snow I can’t forget.