A Mirror of Grey Herons
As we enter the forest with very tall pines, an almost eerie atmosphere settles in. It’s the red deer rutting season and they live here, demanding caution with our movements.
Through the trail we enter a bird observation spot by this large lake and it’s remarkably quiet with a number of solemn trees enclosing it, like placing a border between land and water. Not for the marine birds which you can hear, though.
The grey herons (Ardea cinerea) are more predominant, along with the soft lapping of waves. The light is dimming over the lake but it was still possible to see a camouflaged sleeping beaver when it yawned, waking up for a few seconds, then going back to sleep. Around and far away the first rutting sounds of the day start framing the space as the Autumn temperature decreases rapidly. The beaver slides into the water.
Other species heard: Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra), Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), Tawny Owl (Strix Aluco) and Blackbird (Turdos Merula).
This recording is extremely quiet and the movement and calls of birds are faraway, but at times increase and the dynamic range is expanded greatly. Here lies the enchantment of this soundscape – to deliver oneself to the subtleties and experience it as it is experienced there. Keeping a reasonable medium to low level on your headphones or speakers is advised.