Winter Playlist I

Winter requires adaptation and a little change of habits so that we can embrace and enjoy it the best.
Here’s for you a curated playlist for this season with winter soundscapes from both hemispheres.
Night at Fifteen Mile Creek in Early Winter (Khristos Nizamis)
Dawn at Fifteen Mile Creek in Early Winter (Khristos Nizamis)
Birdsong in Flói (Magnus Bersson)
Iceberg Fragments (Daniel Blinkhorn)
Melting Snow in the Forest (Jan Brelih)
Into the Old-growth Forest (Lars Edenius)
Winter Woodland (Marc Anderson)
Morning at a Creek in Early Winter (Khristos Nizamis)
Crackly campfire in the woods of Voloderac (Marko Javorski)
Winter on the Warta River (Joachim Rupik)
Elk Feeding on Snow (Stein Nilsen)
Heavy Snowfall in the Beech Forest (Håkan Karlsson)
Ice on Graubünden Lake (Felix Blume)
Mountain Meadow (Vladimir Arkhipov)
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